Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Psyche Over Matter

"Pain is only 90 % mental."  It only exists if one thinks in that manner.  Nothing can harm the psyche such as the soul and spirit unless one allows it.  If one's mind is infiltrated with negative thoughts and doubt, then it can have a trickle effect to the spirit and soul.  My mom used to tell me, "You can speaks things into existence."  One should have positive self-talk and the belief to accomplish whatever he or she is trying to achieve. Even when there are obstacles or rough patches down the road or foreseen in the future, positive self-talk and thoughts should still be there and having the belief that one will overcome those hurdles.  There might be days when someone wants to quit at work, on a project, or a goal, but that person needs to have grit to fight through and prevail at the end.  Never let negative thoughts seep into one's psyche, because the mind can overcome any physical or emotional distress one is experiencing at the moment.  I am not saying to work to death, but know when to rest and have some sort of schedule or plan and strive to finish the task at hand.  So all and all, psyche over matter.  The only one who can stop him or her from achieving greatness is oneself.

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